Corsair's Commander Mini Can Boss All Your Fans Around

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May have to look into this more. I have 6 fans (need better ones though). Plus I'm getting a aio unit. So this could control all that? I would get corsairs pwm SP fans but i think the thing holding me back on those is the cfm rates. I dunno.
I suggest waiting on this a bit. Corsair Link appears to have lots of issues with Win8, and 8.1. I tried for weeks to get a Corsair Link cooler working reliably. The Link software looks nice, but is riddled with bugs. If you doubt me, visit Corsair's customer forum, and look for the Corsair Link section... which has tons of Win8 users exclaiming how the product just isn't working correctly. Caveat Emptor!
If you're just using an Aquaero as a fan controller, then yes, the functionality can be duplicated for a lot less. The 5LT is maybe $10 more than this Corsair. But the potential is much greater with the Aquaero. It just depends on what you want. I currently have a 5LT running behind a panel, as I wanted something sleek on this go-around.
The Aquaero does a lot of things but as for useful things, I couldn't find anything that was useful. What is doing for ya that I'm not seeing ? I love gadgets and always looking for excuse to get more :)

· Programmable four channel fan controller - have that on MoBo
· USB 2.0 and aquabus interface - For ?
· Four fan outputs with current measurement - have that on MoBo, not sure what I'd do w/ current numbers
· Eight temperature sensor inputs - Have 3 on MoBo, 6 on Six Eyes
· Flow sensor input - Use visual ... like being able to see it which I wouldn't have w/ door front case closed.
· Output for IR transmitter - Not sure what I'd do w/ that
· Three LED outputs - Have 6 in case.
· Potential-free switch - For ?
· Two additional power outputs - For ?
· Extensive alarm options - Have 6 alarms on Six Eyes
· Acoustical alarm - As above
· Speed signal output for status evaluation - Have that
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