$50 player, $49.00 discs. It is like printers; Printer, $45, ink, $54.
These companies seem to think that they are owed some ungodly large amount of payment for "artistic" works that are basically recycled trash. Even if it was a GOOD movie, it's value to me is significantly less than $49, or $39, or even $15. It is 90 minutes to maybe 3 hours of entertainment, and to me, that is worth maybe $7 and maybe worth watching a couple times, so $14, and that is for a GOOD movie, which only about one in 50 movies ever gets rated at or better. For the rest of the movies, they need to be priced around $8 or less.
Once that is settled, we get into digital rights management, also known to me as Digital Rights Denial. That reduces a DVD/BluRay disc to more or less valueless.