could a bad psu cause problems with gpu,hard drive or the motherboard ?

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Aug 7, 2018
so i build my first pc few days ago and first thing i do is to test the system for stability , i tested my system and cpu,ram and a ssd is running perfectly normal whereas my hard drive shows bad sectors which i now have given for RMA and the other part is gpu which when i test with heaven, furmark the screen stucks, sometimes gives black screens and when i run any game it gives dxgi error device hung , i don;'t know much about pc's but i guess its the psu , i don't know but if anyone understands it i appreciate any help
asrock b350 pro 4
corsair vengeance 3000mhz ram
ryzen 3 1200
zotax gtx 1050ti
wd green ssd
wd blue 1tb
antec 550 neo eco

A bad psu can easily cause the issue you are describing. The neo eco line is not a great lineup as far as what I can find.

i know its not so great psu but i do not clearly say that psu is faulty because everything sometimes works totally fine


Then you'll just end up with a dead system sooner than later. Don't use the pc until you can get a better psu.

could you please just not jump to the conclusion , can you consider other possibilities like bad gpu or drivers or ryzen

i have tested my ram using memtest and it is fine but one thing to note is that i'm using single channel ,could that be the problem ?
and my motherboard bios is latest i recently updated it

1 complete pass from memtest , a 8gb stick of corsair vengeance running at 2666 mhz timings 16-16-16-38

Memtest needs several passes in order to test the RAM. Some errors will not show up until later in the stages of the test.
I usually run memtest overnight and check for errors the next morning. If the test comes back with no errors I will trust the RAM is good and look elsewhere for the error causing component.

i now tested the ram overnight and all test passed, now i'm getting more confused

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