Could I get around a Subreddit ban with new devices, new email address, a new location and new IP address?

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Jun 24, 2024
Apologies if this isn't allowed, I looked through the rules and I don't think this falls under the "No discussing illicit activity" rule but maybe I'm wrong. Anyways

I was banned from a subreddit a few months ago and I was wondering if my idea for how to be able to get back onto them seemed like it would work or not. I'm moving in a few days and had the idea of getting a completely new computer and phone on the day I move in to be able to make a brand new Reddit account with a brand new email so the ban evasion filter wouldn't be able to detect it. I would be on completely new devices, in a completely different location with a different IP address, and on a brand new account.

To my knowledge, the Reddit ban evasion tool has access to browser fingerprints of it's users so it can detect ban evaders who just simply create a new account on the same device, even with a VPN. Do you think I would be correct in assuming I can get around it with my above idea? I was going to delete my current account and all of the mobile app data from my phone the day before, go to a Starbucks or somethin to change all my other website accounts to a different temporary email address, then once I get my new devices change all my website accounts again to a new permanent email address so they will never have been associated with that email on my affected Reddit account.

Also, is there any possible way that Reddit can detect external devices that were connected to my computer during the time I was banned? Game controllers, racing wheel, etc. Can Reddit somehow see those devices connected to the device of a new account on their website and somehow identify me? "This new account is on a clean computer but we can see he has an Xbox controller who's Serial Number or Device ID was connected to the computer of an account that was banned from a subreddit months ago that this new account is active in, he's ban evading"

Seems like a lot of effort just to be able to post on a particular subreddit again, I know, but I'm moving and getting a new computer and phone either way so I was just wondering if I could use this to my advantage to get around the subreddit ban. Does this seem like it would work?
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