Question Could i have virus?


May 19, 2020
so i was playing overwatch and i heard my PC go really loud and usually when that happens my cpu is at 100% usage, but to my suprise it was 50-60, then i lowerd my fps cap to 130, now my cpu is on 80% usage. so what im wondering is how it shows me lower CPU usage than it actually is. maybe i have a malware on my computer
what do you mean showing you lower cpu usage then it actually is? example from what exactly?
What are your specs?
What are your temps?
idk my temp and my specs are rtx 2070 i5 9600k and thats all i remember.
what i mean by showing me lower cpu usage is that i can hear my ocmputer making sound that only happens when my cpu is about 100% usage but it didnt show me that it was 100%
GIven a decent GPU, and a typical Z-series mainboard, certainly six cores/threads will be quite busy attempting to crank out as many FPS as possible when equipped with a decent GPU especially...; if MCE is enabled to attempt to hit max turbo 4.6 GHz on all cores, temps will rise, as will fan speed to compensate.

What is your cooling solution? If it is not quite adequate to handle all core loadings of even default 4.3 GHz or so, you can either reduce all-core target clock speed boost with BIOS or within Intel's XTU, or, get a larger quiet cooler like a Noctua...