Question Could putting a metal object like this in case damage sth?


Aug 26, 2018
I've put this chain in my pc case for a couple hours now and I'm kinda worried tbh. Nothing has happened yet but I feel like it might?
One side of the chain is locked on some random place in the back of the case and the other side is locked on the aio pipe, fitting just perfectly without pinching the pipe or damaging it. The chain is touching the graphics card and the bottom panel above the power. Should I take this thing off or not? I kinda love the way it looks but really worried about a possible damages. I don't use liquids around the case and I have a surge protector so I don't think short cercuits could happen. Thanks in advance for the help.
Any kind of bare metal touching random parts of PC is big no no. It can cause short if it touches wrong places. Definitely remove it.
Edit: it looks cute for sure. But still ... inside of PC is no place for it.
How about I find a place too hook it outside the case? Still connected to the case but practically outside it, touching no parts inside
Also what if I hook it in a way that it would touch the glass? Would it increase the heat on the glass and ultimately maybe, just maybe like make the glass crack bcs of the heat? Fml
How about I find a place too hook it outside the case?
Outside is fine I guess. Just make sure it won't touch things like USB ports.
Also what if I hook it in a way that it would touch the glass? Would it increase the heat on the glass
The amount of heat inside PC is not nearly enough to heat up such big chunk of metal to make it change temperature in visible way, so it can't harm glass thermally. However if it would hit the glass - it looks quite massive - so I think it could be danger of cracking the glass.