Counterstrike source low fps


Jun 14, 2012
here are my specs
amd x4 645 3.1 ghz
evga gtx 570 sc 1280 mb
6gb ram

thats all i can know off that would affect my performance in game.
so when i did the video stress test it gave me around 200 fps but when i go to a server not just one but any of them it goers smooth in some ares but i went on the console and typed in "cl_showfps 1" without the quotastions to shwo my fps in game and it shows me not getting over 60 fps but my test resutls show 200 fs
can somone tell me why im gettign such low fps in game with other palyers
You can try the command Max_fps # (whatever number you want)

So for instance you want 200 Frames per second

max_fps 200

In your case you can play all the smoothness @ max_fps 120

Check your temps, some cards get hot when producing a lot of frames.
i know its capped but ive seen other benchmarks with a lower card then mine and with like 50 players they got over 60 fps and got like 100 fps.
also i use a 1280x1024 monitor resolution so i dont think i should be getting fps under 60
You can try the command Max_fps # (whatever number you want)

So for instance you want 200 Frames per second

max_fps 200

In your case you can play all the smoothness @ max_fps 120

Check your temps, some cards get hot when producing a lot of frames.

but also when im in servers with like tons of people like 55 players one time i tend to lag when i face them as a group in the game is that normal?
or am i supposed to have 60 fps no matter how many players there are
Yea, that happens in almost all games whenever something huge happens. It's called frame rate dipping. When I play battlefield 3, same thing happens.

If your card hits at least 200 FPS, then putting at 120 will help and you won't see a huge dip in performance. You'll definitely see the game lag a bit if it dips to 20-30 FPS.
ok sry fr teh long delay but i capped it at 150 but when in game with 60 people it still goes down to the 40 fps range but does ocassionaly go over 60 fps to like 80fps but the gameplay dosent seem to have changed at all
is there something wrong im doing or what
when i face large groups it stil lags and is the same before i capped it to 150
just played a match with 40 people in like a snow map and when i faced a certain angle it dropped to 30 fps i dont get whats wrong the textures arent maxed out their at the high level it was default settings that im running didnt set it to very high which is the max it can get on graphics