CPU 100% When its not?


Dec 23, 2009
Alright, 3rd Post. And I have another Problem, just my luck. Alright well i was running an idle test yesterday night and well i woke up, look at everything and restarted the computer. Everything was fine, had some problems yesterday, accidentally downloaded a virus, fixed it, did a System Restore Point. Anyways now I have a Logitech G15 v2 and I was checking my Proformance Monitor...CPU @ 100 When im idling and Ram at 42..% Okay.....Checked my Windows GADGET bar..Same thing...all 3 gadgets reading 100%, Okay ....Checked HWmonitor and im getting 35 watts..and a fan speed ( Hyper 212 Plus) 2000RPM(MAX) temps are a little above idling temperatures. This is annoying...any help?
you still got the worm probably. your best bet is to go out and invest in a really good virus protection program before messing around. it really does save alot of headaches. 40 or 50 bucks is totally worth it.
Your Right. My Computer....BLUE SCREEN. Had to Re-Format. NOTHING WORKED. Safe mode, Last Good Config, I went down the advanced boot menu. Also I have Avast Which is ALWAYS updated. What do you guys recommend?
Because Im still Running Avast, and now Im scared.