CPU affecting boot order?


Aug 2, 2016
Can the CPU affect boot drive identification?

Here's my problem;

New CPU, new ram, new motherboard, new drive. First 2 weeks all ran fine then it wouldn't boot. Bios showed no drives. Reboot, drives showed up but it took a couple of restarts for it to run ok.

I thought it was the motherboard so I sent that back and in the mean time I rebuilt the machine with most of the old parts (CPU, ram and mobo but new drive). It all worked fine.

New mobo was tested by supplier and was said to be good.

Anyway, bought new mobo (different manufacture) and rebuilt machine. It ran fine for a week and then didn't boot. Swapped back to original boot drive, checked bios and it ran ok. Couple of days later the boot order was wrong again and the boot drive wasn't showing. After a couple of reboots the boot drive appeared and it would run ok.

So, apart from the ram and CPU I think most parts have been shown to be good from the rebuild or independent test. So I'm thinking the CPU is at fault but could a faulty CPU cause the drive issue in the bios? This to me seems unlikely but the CPU is about the only common part in the fault system.

Thanks for any help.