Cpu and gpu not running as it should


Jun 27, 2014
I have a amd fx 8320 runnning at stock and a R9270x also running at stock.When i play a game like bf4 or dragon age it seems like the game is slow when i run objects pop up when i only run too it.So is it that the cpu doesnt support the gpu or other way round?should i overclock the cpu to give sytem more power or is it just the game ?Please help cause i really think this is a great sytem i have also have 8gig ram.
I think you can use MSI Afterburner to check the usages
Just go to settings-Monitoring and choose from that list what you want to see and check the little box that says: Show in on-screen display
i looked on task manager while playing bf4 cpu usage was at max only 60% and that is with background applications running also.so what can it be?the temps are at 54.And my system is 8gig ram powercolor R9270x ,amd fx8320.Any ideas?
[qudont know what else you want voltages are at stock havent touched anything.temps while running bf4 is 54celcius and the build is 8gig ram.amd fx8320.powercolor R9270x.1tb hdd.dvd drive and M5A97 LE R2.0 asus mobo.cpu cooler coolermaster hyper212x and 5 case fans.while playing bf4 with apps running in background cpu usasge is 60 percent.