CPU and Mobo combo


Jul 11, 2017
Hi, im looking to upgrade my pc with a new cpu and mobo. I need them to work together and be future proof for the next few years. Please give me some cpu and mobo recommendations and why. Im saving money so price shouldnt be a problem. I just need it to run fast for games and graphical rendering as thats where i work. Thanks. my setup right now is a 980ti with 16gb ddr3 ram, a z97x ud3h mobo and the i5-4690k, i know this is old gen cpu so im looking for something newer and much faster. Also, what do you think about a ram upgrade? Thanks
When you buy a MSi mobo you almost always get 18 months warranty if not more. And literally every board that costs over 50 bucks will last at least for 3 years if you don’t overclock it.
A couple of years ago (when I had my first computer) I bought the asrock 970-A mobo (for about €70) and it was literally the worst mobo I ever had, but still lasted 4 years and still worked, then I selled the computer I had.
So you don’t have to worry about the mobo.
And for ram you need ddr4. I recommend buying at least 2 sticks, at not higher speed than 2666Mhz if you go with the 8600K. I also recomend buying 2x8gb or 3x4gb.
If you have just 4 ram slots which most mobo’s have you should go with 2x8 because if 1 fails you still have another one, and...


Apr 7, 2011
I don't see you getting a significant performance boost by upgrading your system; it's already reasonably future-proof in the sense that the benefit we get from processing power improvements is incremental these days. You may be better served swapping that CPU out for an i7, and then upgrading the GPU in a year or so.


Jan 15, 2017
I strongly recomend the: MSI Gaming Pro Carbon (For 12 extra bucks you can get the AC version with Bluetooth and wifi) MoBo. For processor the I5 8600K and the Noctua NH-D15 cooler. Great combo you can overclock it very much, i use it myself. It cost around 450 euro but is top quality. If you decide to go for this you will need to get new RAM (DDR4) and i dont recomend going with RAM faster than 2666Mhz because the 8600K cant support more (unless you overclock it but i wouldnt recomend more than 2700Mhz. For RAM i recomend: Kingston DDR4 HyperX Fury Memory Black 2x8GB 2666Mhz (180 euro). I went for top budget because you didnt put a budget like said before


Jul 11, 2017

I dont know how to overclock and i dont plan on doing so so would this cpu and cooler still be worth it? Also, I dont really like the whole mobo gaming colors look so whats a decent mobo instead of this?


Jan 15, 2017
The i5 8600k is good processor, even without overclock. What i mean to say is that the 8600K is worth of investing even when you dont have plans to overclock it.

For the MoBo you can go for the MSI Z370-A PRO, its a good board cheap board but does the job pretty well. Definitely one of the best cheao alternatives for the 1151 chipset.

And for the cooler you can go with Gelid Solutions Antarctica, good cooler for almost every processor that you dont want overclock, definitely good option for you.

If you have more questions just text me, or if you want a different CPU for a different budget, or maybe other MoBo than MSI (i recommend them really often because for me they have the best looks, the best bios, and best protective features.)


Jul 11, 2017

Thanks for the reply, i dont really know much about mobos but would the z370 last a few years? and what ram do you recommend? how many sticks of which size at which mhz. Thanks


Jan 15, 2017
When you buy a MSi mobo you almost always get 18 months warranty if not more. And literally every board that costs over 50 bucks will last at least for 3 years if you don’t overclock it.
A couple of years ago (when I had my first computer) I bought the asrock 970-A mobo (for about €70) and it was literally the worst mobo I ever had, but still lasted 4 years and still worked, then I selled the computer I had.
So you don’t have to worry about the mobo.
And for ram you need ddr4. I recommend buying at least 2 sticks, at not higher speed than 2666Mhz if you go with the 8600K. I also recomend buying 2x8gb or 3x4gb.
If you have just 4 ram slots which most mobo’s have you should go with 2x8 because if 1 fails you still have another one, and you have room to upgrade. But if that’s to expensive you should go with 3x4 (if 2 fail you still have 1 remaining, and you still have 1 slot to upgrade). But if that’s still too expensive you can go with 2x4 (cheaper alternative of 2x8). But I wouldn’t recommend to go lower than 8gb. If you only use a browser or internet games 2gb should be enough but if you want to play some heavy games or programs you should go with at least 8gb. When I play Battlefield 1 on max graphics I use 12-14gb ram. (I have 24 gb in total)

Sorry for the late response, hope I helped though.