[SOLVED] Cpu at 100% while gaming in most games.

Feb 10, 2019
Hey guys, so i have abit of a problem. I bought my laptop at the end of 2017 and kind of felt like in some games it will feel sluggish even though i have a gtx 1070 8gb inside. I decided to investigate abit further recently and saw my CPU was running at 100% whilst my GPU was sitting at about 30-50%.
My specifications:
GTX 10708gb
I5 7400 @3.00GHz
16GB DDr 4 ram
500gb ssd

So could there be a CPU bottleneck happening here because it seems even if i change the graphics to lower it doesn't seem to help that much. My GPU sits at about 70 degree's Celsius and CPU at 68 degrees Celsius whilst gaming.
Check your HDD usage. Also, are there a lot of apps running in the background or something? Disable useless startup apps.etc for better performance. Scan for viruses/malwares.etc.