CPU change from i5 to i7


May 14, 2016
Right now i have intel core i5-4690K @3.50GHz and im thinking to get the i7-8700K ofc i have to change my motherboard aswell but i want to know if i need to change my GPU i currently have GTX960-4GB.
im a bit of a newbie when it comes to pc's but right now when im playing a game on my monitor and i have a stream on my second monitor i lag ingame when i play so to get rid of that i need a better cpu and not a gpu right?

Correct. You would want a better CPU for gaming and streaming.


You are going to want DDR4 2133MHz memory, well you are going to want DDR4 memory....... the Mhz will depend on which board you get but it should tell you on the specs.