cpu cleaning


Aug 11, 2007
i about to clean the cpu and heatsink and reaply thermal paste

is alchool 70% good enough to take out the old thermal paste or shouild i get some higher one

The alcohol you have is fine. Just get a soft cloth and carefully wipe the heatsink and the top of the cpu clean. Reapply new paste sparingly.
Without being too anal about it, just use the 70% stuff. Apply it to a cloth and rub the goop off the cpu. Try not to get any liquid on the motherboard. Repeat the cleaning process using a clean part of the cloth until all the paste is gone. Let it dry completely and then apply the new paste.
You don't need to overdo it. While I probably should have used a cleaner, I took a dry paper towel and wiped it down when I reseated my HS, and it is working well. Just try to be thorough about it.
I just ordered some special CPU cleaner along with my new thermal paste, no idea how good it works but it seemed a good idea at the time. It was called Akasa Heatsink + CPU cleaner or something, I'll tell you how well it works once I've used it. 😛