[SOLVED] CPU Clock down from 3.30GHz to 1.596GHz while gaming

Apr 26, 2021
Hey guys, I have problem with my CPU, its clock speed goes down from 3.30GHz to 1.596GHz.
This happens only while playing games.
It goes like this for about minute or two, then it goes back to 3.30 for3 minutes and again goes to 1.596GHz.

Full PC Specs:
GPU - MSI R7 260X 2GB OCV1
CPU - I3-2120
Motherboard - MSI H61M-P20 (G3)
RAM - Hynix / Hyundai 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1333MHz
PSU -500W
HDD - Western Digital 1TB WD10EZEX
All things Boju pointed out doesn't show a reason CPU speeds should half.

Looks like the problem has to be found in not so obvious things.

i changed paste like few months ago
Thats good, but can also be a part of the problem:"
Did the problem start before or after the last time you changed thermal paste?

If yes, check the cooler is seated correctly. Although it looks like it is not overheating , it still can cause problems when the cooler is not seated right.
I had problems with a newer CPU i7 8700(non k) to do this. Thermals looked fine. Speeds dropping to 50% in games, then coming back to normal. Dropping again, etc.
After a week of testing I started to look at the hardware. Then I saw that the coolermount was a little...
Hey guys, I have problem with my CPU, its clock speed goes down from 3.30GHz to 1.596GHz.
This happens only while playing games.
It goes like this for about minute or two, then it goes back to 3.30 for3 minutes and again goes to 1.596GHz.

Full PC Specs:
GPU - MSI R7 260X 2GB OCV1
CPU - I3-2120
Motherboard - MSI H61M-P20 (G3)
RAM - Hynix / Hyundai 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1333MHz
PSU -500W
HDD - Western Digital 1TB WD10EZEX
That is classic behavior of overheating. Have you monitored the CPU temperature?
Thanks. Temps and cpu speed looks fine. Prime95 is a vigorous tester and your processor didn't overheat and maintained turbo.

What games are you playing when clocks drop? Have you tried setting Windows power performance to high?
i already have set power settings to the max performance and basically in every game the clock drops
It never hurts to apply some new fresh thermal paste. The standard paste tends to dry out. Especially after 4+ years. Had problems like this before. Then I realised I was running with the same paste over 6 years.
in every game its clock speed dropping, like csgo, payday 2, hotline miami 2, world of tanks, warframe, unturned and many others.
During the benchmark something failed and it cannot see my gpu, heres link to result https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/44757786

Nothing is pointing in the reasoning for your cpu decreasing speed, all seems normal so far. Is there any way you can screenshot us what you're seeing when speed drops in games?