CPU close to throttling after re-applying AS5 compound?


Feb 8, 2017

Been using the same cooler for 5 wars, decided to clean it up since idle temps creeped up from low 30s to high 40s. After cleaning and application (thin millimeter line method for i7-4770k) temps now sit at almost 90c idle and when opening something simple like file explorer temps just dangerous high which leads to me powering down my system. I’ve cleaned and reapplied almost four times today trying to fix it. I’ve done the dot method and varying line method sizes. I’m at a loss. The cpu cooler is a kraken x62 and it is working just fine, I can hear the and feel the water pumping and the fans are working overtime when it kicks on. Help?

Put those silly application methods in the bit bucket where they belong. Put a decent...
Is there enough mounting pressure on the waterblock? Either the pump isn't working hard enough or there's not enough mounting pressure, I'm leading towards mounting pressure since you say the pump kicks on and even at min speed it will cpu the cpu cooler than that, especially at idle

Put those silly application methods in the bit bucket where they belong. Put a decent pea sized blob in the middle of the IHS, center the waterblock, and fasten that sucker down nice and tight. Not snug, tight. It's easy to have too little thermal paste, but there's really no consequences for having a tad too much. Any excess will simply leak out the side where it won't cause any problems.

Finally, AS5 has a 200 hour curing time. Temperatures will start high and drop gradually.

I am stupid - I figured out the issue. My CPU_FAN header is dead. I don't know what caused it but I rigged something up to where the water pump is getting power elsewhere - I know it isn't ideal but it is working. My idle temps are at 28c and load stays below 50c now.