Question CPU cooler not spinning on start up, R5 3600.


Feb 28, 2014
I was having some serious high temps (100c) and big throttling and PC restarts so invistigated. I noticed the CPU cooler was not spinning. There does not seem to be a problem with the cooler because with the smallest persuasion it starts and works perfectly. Examples are YouTube vids now do not effect the temps at all when before they were high 70s c and Eden Ring which would send the temps upto 100c and restart my PC now runs at temps circa high 60s/low 70s c. I am wondering if it is a software issue. Can someone please advise?
Thank you.


If the fan doesn't fire up at the start, then the motherboard's header it's hooked up to can't provide necessary power to start spinning the motor. What motherboard are you working with? BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment? Make and model of your CPU cooler?