CPU cooler with 120mm or 2x 80mm fans to cool better an ITX build?


Jul 4, 2016
Hi all,

I've built my first PC around May and I'm super happy with it mainly for gaming, however I can't get the most out of my GPU due to having just a 200mm intake fan in my rig and I absolutely avoid it to go around 80°C, it even throttles itself to avoid damage anyway, and I need help to cool the rig... so hopefully you guys can help me.

So my case is a Thermaltake Core V1 which was amazing to build in for a first timer but lacks fan capabilities for cooling, this picture from Overclock.net is exactly how I have it, with vents right besides the GPU intake fans:

Here's my complete parts list: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/hotbullet8/saved/DpKNGX

Cpu temps are normal but I'm not sure what would be better to have for a first upgrade, would a Cryorig H7 be better to have with its 120mm fan being the rig's exhaust as pictured by this PCpartpicker user?

Should I just stick with the traditional route and buy 2x80mm exhaust fans, even though it would be way more noisy? (equipped with the Intel cpu stock cooler in that case)

The end game is to try to squeeze some overclocking goodness out of the GPU, since I already achieved some pretty great OC but really unstable due to throttling, that happened to protect the GPU of heat damage and resulted in heavy sttutering ingame.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Thanks a lot for the quick reply! Well it's a mix of both actually, things will get crazy crumped in there with both the fans and the tower, and I do want to keep my hardware spendings at a minimum, in any case I would go for a pair of Arctic F8 (you could buy 3 of those for just 1 Noctua).

I'm just curious of which should be more thermally effective... if the Tower cooler "absorbing" the heat and moving it to the back or just adding the 2 fans.

As for which will be more thermally effective, it depends on which component. The two 80mm fans will ease temps on your graphics card nicely but don't expect it to help out the stock cooler very much when it comes to the CPU. As for the space, as long as there are some sort of fans pushing air it shouldn't affect your temperatures. As for the fans, the Arctic F8s aren't bad for temperatures but they are hilariously loud at higher speeds. As long as you don't mind the color, I would recommend these:

Those seem like a way better deal considering they're silent! And I like very much that they come in red, thanks a lot! As I continued to ponder on my issue I realized that my motherboard has just 1 SYS FAN header (inconvenience of m-ITX I'm afraid), so I would have to purchase a fan splitter too :/

Nevertheless I found an instant solution, although not a very elegant one it's effective! I simply putted a small external Honeywell fan to the side and BAM, both GPU and CPU temps plummeted. I overcloked my RX470 from 1.2 to 1.3 Ghz and it was crazy stable, went from playing Witcher 3 at high to ultra at a steady 1080p60 and temps never even got to 75°C on the GPU.

Behold my savior for intensive gaming:

Anyway, I think I'm going to wait some time and buy the H7 or similar cooler that will come with AM4 support out of the box in case I go the Ryzen route in a future upgrade in some years, I live outside the US and it will most likely be cumbersome if I buy the H7 now and if 3-6 years buy an AM4 motherboard, who knows how Cryorig support will deal with me? THANK YOU DEARLY for taking the time to help me with this issue GE420!