CPU cooling high temps


Dec 30, 2012
Currently my CPU runs at 85C with battle field 4. Because of this i don't play demanding games. I'm looking for a cooler that will bring down the price. Preferably air cooling. I was looking at the classic hyper 212 EVO; my question is that will it get the job done? The 3570k is not overclocked, it idles at around 40C with a room temp of 75F. Did i just get unlucky with my stock CPU cooler? Would the hyper212 get temps down or would i need a more powerful cooler?
I was also wondering would the 212 EVO fit in my case? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811147023
I know it would be hard to judge without a picture. If anyone has any experience with the cooler, is it relatively big?
Get the Hyper 212 Plus/EVO. I have one and it is fairly quiet and keeps my temps low. Make sure it can fit in your case though. Also buy some 99% Isopropyl alcohol to remove the pre-existing thermalpaste. look up a video if you're unsure. Do these things PROPERLY and you will have lower temps. Good Luck!
Get the Hyper 212 Plus/EVO. I have one and it is fairly quiet and keeps my temps low. Make sure it can fit in your case though. Also buy some 99% Isopropyl alcohol to remove the pre-existing thermalpaste. look up a video if you're unsure. Do these things PROPERLY and you will have lower temps. Good Luck!