I have an Asus z10pe-d8 ws motherboard with 2 Xenon e5-2667 v3 (at least that's what the IHS says). both CPUs are aio water-cooled and I have ensured that they are both being sufficiently cooled. the problem is if I use both CPUs after about 10 minutes the CPU's cores will spike and my computer will turn itself off. the weird thing is, the ihs says these CPUs should be running at 3.2ghz, but in task manager, it says the base clock is at 2.9ghz. the CPUs are engineering samples but I am unsure if that is relevant. if I limit my CPU power to 98%, the clocks drop to about 2.6ghz, but the crashing no longer happens.
why is this happening and how do I fix it?
why is this happening and how do I fix it?