CPU downclocking under full load.


Jul 5, 2016
I have an i5 6600k I just overclocked and got stable at 4.5ghz and 1.315v.
After finishing it, I tried changing the cpu ratio to dynamic and the voltage mode to adaptive so I don't get high voltages all the time.
However I saw that under full load, the voltage lowers, making the cpu clock bounce between 4.3 and 4.5ghz.
I searched a bit and it may be vdroop, but I don't know much about it and LLC on my motherboard only has "Mode 1".
My maximum temperature was 80 on prime95 so I don't think it's thermal throttling.
It doesn't downclock when I use fixed ratio and override aswell.
Edit: Apparently it's only happening on prime95, other games and applications were just fine.
You may be hitting a CPU current limit and that is causing it to throttle under Prime95. There should be an option in the BIOS to increase the CPU current limit if you want to fix this, though if it's only dropping under stress test conditions and not in any applications you actually use, it might not really matter much from a practical standpoint.
You may be hitting a CPU current limit and that is causing it to throttle under Prime95. There should be an option in the BIOS to increase the CPU current limit if you want to fix this, though if it's only dropping under stress test conditions and not in any applications you actually use, it might not really matter much from a practical standpoint.

I guess so, thanks anyway.