[SOLVED] Cpu error

Jun 9, 2020
Hi guys new to the forums,

Just wondering if anyone has had a similar issue to me and if they have an easy solution.

My issue occurs when trying to overclock my ram in either the bios or AMD master software. A failed overclock would normally cause the computer to boot into safe mode after a few loops and revert to previous settings.
However when restarting the PC to enable to overclock no matter how small the changes, my PC locks down and I get a CPU error light on my motherboard.

Ive only ever had this light once before and it was when I first built the PC and forgot to flash the new bios on the b450 Mobo before installing my R5 3600( this was needed as the original bios did not support this gen3 CPU)

So my only way of fixing this the few times I've tried and failed overclocking has been to clear cmos, take apart my PC and use msi flash bios to start over again, this is just super painstaking and I'm hoping somebody has any ideas on how to help.

1. make clear CMOS. Look into instruction guide of you mobo to find the right switch or jumper. Reflash BIOS should not be neccessary.

2. do not use ryzen master for such changes, but only change in BIOS.

3. Would be helpful, if you say, what you tried.
Which RAM, did you enable XMP in BIOS, what overclock ( from speed ---> to speed ) etc.
What did you do exactly?
Which Mobo?

Normally after clearing BIOS ( either with switch or jumper) PC should boot again with default settings ( mostly set to 2133 Ramspeed).
Well I haven't done anything to fix it just yet but I know how to, I just don't know why this keeps happening and it's a balls to fix.
Mother board is msi b450 pro gaming

I only changed setting in ryzen master which affected ram speeds and needed a restart to change. Now PC doesn't post basically
1. make clear CMOS. Look into instruction guide of you mobo to find the right switch or jumper. Reflash BIOS should not be neccessary.

2. do not use ryzen master for such changes, but only change in BIOS.

3. Would be helpful, if you say, what you tried.
Which RAM, did you enable XMP in BIOS, what overclock ( from speed ---> to speed ) etc.
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Reactions: Kevfoley0505
1. make clear CMOS. Look into instruction guide of you mobo to find the right switch or jumper. Reflash BIOS should not be neccessary.

2. do not use ryzen master for such changes, but only change in BIOS.

3. Would be helpful, if you say, what you tried.
Which RAM, did you enable XMP in BIOS, what overclock ( from speed ---> to speed ) etc.
Fairly certain xmp is enabled in bios. Ram is Patriot viper 3000mhz 16gb kit. Tried going from 1400mhz to 3000mhz in ryzen master.
The main issue I have now is that CPU led on motherboard means there is no CPU detected or installed. I will try to clear cmos thank you!
Fairly certain xmp is enabled in bios. Ram is Patriot viper 3000mhz 16gb kit. Tried going from 1400mhz to 3000mhz in ryzen master.
The main issue I have now is that CPU led on motherboard means there is no CPU detected or installed. I will try to clear cmos thank you!
Clear cmos by itself worked I'm an idiot for trying anything else in the past.
Thanks everyone for quick replys and help!