I have ASUS P3V4X Intel Pentium III 800MHz.133MHz
Suddenly thereb was a failure in the electricity in our house.The speed of the proccesor slow down.It went to 600MHz.I don't know what to do.When i put to his default speed it hangs out.It enters in Bios,as usual for ASUS mobos.I can't unders5tand that.Can u explain this to me.Shouldn't be burned the proccesor??
Suddenly thereb was a failure in the electricity in our house.The speed of the proccesor slow down.It went to 600MHz.I don't know what to do.When i put to his default speed it hangs out.It enters in Bios,as usual for ASUS mobos.I can't unders5tand that.Can u explain this to me.Shouldn't be burned the proccesor??