
Aug 20, 2003
I have ASUS P3V4X Intel Pentium III 800MHz.133MHz
Suddenly thereb was a failure in the electricity in our house.The speed of the proccesor slow down.It went to 600MHz.I don't know what to do.When i put to his default speed it hangs out.It enters in Bios,as usual for ASUS mobos.I can't unders5tand that.Can u explain this to me.Shouldn't be burned the proccesor??
I've never even heard of such a prob. Sorry i Couldn't be of more help than this. Try posting this in the CPU forum. Your likely to get more hits on this subject. Very few people visit the "faulty Products" and alot of certain other forums.

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!
that is kind of wierd.
Maybe the BIOS auto-adjusted itself after the electric failure.

-J<font color=red>//\</font color=red>ECOR™ -
-J<font color=purple>//\</font color=purple>ECOR™ -