CPU fan a must for a 600mhz?


Mar 7, 2001
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

My Compaq Deskpro EN had a P2/400mhz/100fsb/2.00v cpu with just a
heatsink on it. No cpu fan though the intake case fan was close by. No

Upgraded to a P3/550mhz/100fsb/2.00v. Still no cpu fan. No problems.

Now I have a P3/600mhz/100fsb/2.05v cpu. Not much of a heatsink but it
does have a nice cpu fan on it.

Can I get away without the fan and with just a similar heatsink like the
others or will the .05v do me in?


Apr 2, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

Kev wrote:

> My Compaq Deskpro EN had a P2/400mhz/100fsb/2.00v cpu with just a
> heatsink on it. No cpu fan though the intake case fan was close by. No
> problems.
> Upgraded to a P3/550mhz/100fsb/2.00v. Still no cpu fan. No problems.
> Now I have a P3/600mhz/100fsb/2.05v cpu. Not much of a heatsink but it
> does have a nice cpu fan on it.
> Can I get away without the fan and with just a similar heatsink like the
> others or will the .05v do me in?

You might be able to get away with it if you add a case fan or something
like that, then again it might work fine as is. You could run a slower
speed but larger fan and it will be quieter than the CPU fan is. I'm
guessing that's why you liked the passive cooler?




Mar 7, 2001
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

> You might be able to get away with it if you add a case fan or something
> like that,

it has an intake fan blowing air on it/system.

> then again it might work fine as is. You could run a slower
> speed but larger fan and it will be quieter than the CPU fan is. I'm
> guessing that's why you liked the passive cooler?

Yeah just the normal intel heatsink on the 550mhz. with the front intake
fan was very quiet.

could disable the front intake fan :)


Apr 2, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

On Sat, 10 Apr 2004 00:07:44 -0500, Kev <insomniakev@hotmail.com>

>Now I have a P3/600mhz/100fsb/2.05v cpu. Not much of a heatsink but it
>does have a nice cpu fan on it.

put it on 5V ... it should work & start spinning at that voltage, if
not , there is a fix on my site ...

Regards, SPAJKY ®
& visit my site @ http://www.spajky.vze.com
"Tualatin OC-ed / BX-Slot1 / inaudible setup!"
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Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

Kev wrote:
> My Compaq Deskpro EN had a P2/400mhz/100fsb/2.00v cpu with just a
> heatsink on it. No cpu fan though the intake case fan was close by. No
> problems.
> Upgraded to a P3/550mhz/100fsb/2.00v. Still no cpu fan. No problems.
> Now I have a P3/600mhz/100fsb/2.05v cpu. Not much of a heatsink but it
> does have a nice cpu fan on it.
> Can I get away without the fan and with just a similar heatsink like the
> others or will the .05v do me in?

Try it and monitor the temps. You'll likely need that larger heat sink,

spammage trappage: replace fishies_ with yahoo


Mar 31, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

The issue is not voltage, not directly anyway.

Each new generation of CPU has lead to more transistors, and thus more power
demands. Sometimes the voltage increases, sometimes not, it just depends on
the the current technology, whether trace counts can be reduced, shortened,
etc. So each CPU is rated for a given voltage. In the end, what determines
the need for a fan is temperature. If the CPU temps can't be keep within
functional limits without assistance, well..., you need something to keep
those temps down, either a bigger heatsink, more efficient heatsink (e.g.,
moving from aluminum to copper), better thermal paste, a fan, a BIG fan, or
one or more of all of these! So can you remove the CPU fan on the P3 and
not have problems? Hard to say, haven't used the P3 myself, ultimately you
need to determine from the Intel specs on that P3 what is the working temp
range, measure YOUR temps, and determine if the temps remain within that
range *under load* (i.e., worse case scenario). If so, well..., there's
your answer.

I suspect you don't like the noise of the fan, thus looking to eliminate it.
Your better bet might be to find a much more efficient (cooper) and bigger
heatsink that fits the P3. If you're using the stock unit, these are
usually just adequate. Removal of the fan is very likely to lead to
overheating. I'm not even very confident that the more efficient, larger
heatsink alone will compensate for lack of a fan, but if there's any hope at
all, you gotta start there. But at least if you can get a BETTER heatsink,
you can usually get away with a slower turning fan (less RPMs). Less RPMs
generally means LESS noise. In fact, Zalman sells several models (for the
P4 and Athlon) that uses a large, flower-type heatsink, which is then
(optionally) fanned by a big, ol' 90mm fan screwed to a PCI slot, no less!!!
( http://www.zalman.co.kr/usa/product/cnps3100P.htm ). Bigger fans require
fewer RPMs for the same CFMs, and combined w/ the big honkin' heatsink, you
get a VERY quiet solution. For some, the heatsink alone proves adequate.

The other option is water cooling, if you can find a cheap, P3 compatible
model (may be difficult at this time). These often still use fans, so the
noise reduction might not be much.



"Kev" <insomniakev@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> My Compaq Deskpro EN had a P2/400mhz/100fsb/2.00v cpu with just a
> heatsink on it. No cpu fan though the intake case fan was close by. No
> problems.
> Upgraded to a P3/550mhz/100fsb/2.00v. Still no cpu fan. No problems.
> Now I have a P3/600mhz/100fsb/2.05v cpu. Not much of a heatsink but it
> does have a nice cpu fan on it.
> Can I get away without the fan and with just a similar heatsink like the
> others or will the .05v do me in?


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

"Kev" <insomniakev@hotmail.com> wrote...
> Upgraded to a P3/550mhz/100fsb/2.00v. Still no cpu fan. No problems.
> Now I have a P3/600mhz/100fsb/2.05v cpu. Not much of a heatsink but it
> does have a nice cpu fan on it.
> Can I get away without the fan and with just a similar heatsink like the
> others or will the .05v do me in?

I've run a dual P3/550/100fsb for a few years now. The original CPU had a BIG
heat sink only; the second one has a smaller heat sink and a fan. I never added
a fan to the original CPU. I don't monitor temps, but I've had no problems. I
suspect the case air flow and larger heat sink take care of it.

Rather than voltage, you might want to see if you can find the power consumption
specs for the various CPUs from Intel. If the 600 draws roughly the same power
as the 550, it should survive with the same heat sink/fan setup. If the poewr
consumption is significantly higher, though, you may want to upgrade the cooling
setup a bit...


Apr 2, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

On Sat, 10 Apr 2004 00:07:44 -0500, Kev <insomniakev@hotmail.com>

>My Compaq Deskpro EN had a P2/400mhz/100fsb/2.00v cpu with just a
>heatsink on it. No cpu fan though the intake case fan was close by. No
>Upgraded to a P3/550mhz/100fsb/2.00v. Still no cpu fan. No problems.
>Now I have a P3/600mhz/100fsb/2.05v cpu. Not much of a heatsink but it
>does have a nice cpu fan on it.
>Can I get away without the fan and with just a similar heatsink like the
>others or will the .05v do me in?

Just straight out of foggy memories: If this is one of the early
PIIIs, following on the PIIs, then it should be somewhat 'hot', so be



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

Kev wrote:
> My Compaq Deskpro EN had a P2/400mhz/100fsb/2.00v cpu with just a
> heatsink on it. No cpu fan though the intake case fan was close by. No
> problems.
> Upgraded to a P3/550mhz/100fsb/2.00v. Still no cpu fan. No problems.
> Now I have a P3/600mhz/100fsb/2.05v cpu. Not much of a heatsink but it
> does have a nice cpu fan on it.
> Can I get away without the fan and with just a similar heatsink like the
> others or will the .05v do me in?

My question is.........why you still messing with a 100mhz FSB?

I had a PIII 533 133 FSB that was a snappy little machine. Built a dual
processor PIII 533 100mhz FSB that was a slug in comparison.

Both utilized Win Xp Pro.

Not sure, but I think I'm doing a 266 mhz FSB now. Athlon XP 1800+



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)


"TFM®" <horndawg@tampabay.rr.com> wrote in message

> My question is.........why you still messing with a 100mhz FSB?

Because he has it?

> I had a PIII 533 133 FSB that was a snappy little machine. Built a dual
> processor PIII 533 100mhz FSB that was a slug in comparison.

Let's see - 100 x what = 533?

Try again - it's either a 500, or a 550. And I bet it was not a
Coppermine if it was 100MHz FSB, so it'd have 512K of half speed cache
instead of the 256K of full speed cache the 533 would have.

> Both utilized Win Xp Pro.
> Not sure, but I think I'm doing a 266 mhz FSB now. Athlon XP 1800+
> (locked)

266 - or 133. It's 133 double clocked.



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