CPU fan advice?


Sep 7, 2005
Hey guys, I'm looking to buy an AMD 64 3200+ 'Venice' cpu and am looking for any good cpu coolers. Anyone have any good recommendations?
Yeh sorry, I should've been clearer in my op. Basically I'm looking to get the most out of my new cpu with just air cooling so I'm looking for a list of good cpu fans which will allow me to do this.
i would recommend against doing that. In my experience overclocking has never been a benefit and infact causes some programs to crash.

However that is your choice. Tomshardware and anandtech might have some reviews on such things.

<A HREF="http://www.anandtech.com/mysystemrig.html?id=9933" target="_new"> My Rig </A>
I see your point. Well I'm looking to buy the retail version of the 3000+ now since I'm on a budget and I figured the 3000+ will do just as well for me. I'll stick with the stock fan unless I find it unsatisfactory in which case I'll then look for a new fan. Thanks for the advice.
Thermalright SI-120 is currently the champ of all 120mm heatsink.
You sure about that, wusy? I'd have thought that a <A HREF="http://www.thermaltake.com/coolers/4in1heatpipe/cl-p0071SonicTower/cl-p0071.htm" target="_new">Thermaltake SonicTower</A> with a 120mm fan could take it.

:evil: یί∫υєг ρђœŋίχ :evil:
<font color=red><i>Deal with the Devil. He buys in bulk.</i></font color=red>
@ 197K of 200K!
THERMALRIGHTs are excellent. If you want the 120, first make sure it will fit your MB and case. I have the THERMALRIGHT XP-90, which is almost as good, smaller, and costs less. Keeps my A64 3500+ (11x212=2.33GHz) a cool 26C at idle and 38C at max load, with very low noise.