CPU fan error even though fan is spinning


Aug 21, 2014
Hello all!

For some reason when I boot it up i get a message that says "CPU fan error" press f1 to start setup which takes me to BIOS... Im not sure what quite to do there.
I had the motherboard in a PC before this one a few years back (two or three) and I remember having the problem before and Im pretty sure i fixed it by plugging it into a different port.
I tried that this time around But its not working. If anyone would be willing to help me out I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm not sure if it has any relevance but i'm using the cooler that came with the Processor.

This is the Motherboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132453&cm_re=ASUS_F2A85-M_PRO_FM2_AMD_A85X-_-13-132-453-_-Product

this is the processor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1N85343534&cm_re=socket_fm2_processo-_-19-113-356-_-Product
cpu_fan is on the top of the mb next to ther epu switch. make sure the cpu fan uses 4 pin connector and all the pins are connected. in the bios see if the cpu fan at post spins slower then the speed the bios is looking for. i have to turn down that setting for my 3 party fan. (spun at 400 rpm low the bios was looking for 800 rpm and would flash a fan fail till i lowered it.

How do I know what speed my bios is looking for? I opened my manual and saw that i have my cpu plugged into the right slot but it says its a cha fan in the bios -_- The port next to that one doesn't make the fan spin at all.