cpu fan error with cooler master hyper 212 ev0


May 9, 2014
Hello all. First time posting here and looking for some help with an issue some others seem to have faced also, albeit with a slight difference. Recently installed a cooler master hyper 212 evo heat sink for my intel 15 4670k processor onto a asus gyrphon z87 mobo. As some others have experienced, when booting up I am given an error message stating "cpu fan error" and am required to push f1 to proceed. I am able to bypass this by restarting and everything runs fine from then on. I have read this issue can be dealt with by changing the minimum fan speed in the bios.
HOWEVER, and this is the difference between my problem and the others, on boot, after pushing f1 the bios screen freezes after about ten seconds and I am forced to restart. The cpu temp in the bios reads as 80+ degrees, but when viewed from the intel tuning utility from within windows it only reads as 30 degrees. Is my cpu really this hot on boot up? This seems impossible. Should I just ignore the bios reading and take the steps recommended to others or is there more to my problem than this?
Thank you
Try going into your bios and turning down the low rpm warning for the cpu fan to like 300rpm. The fan on the 212 is much larger than a stock cpu cooler giving it a much lower rpm. Some motherboard's bios see this lower rpm and show a cpu fan error. Setting the lower threshold to something like 300rpm may clear it up. That's where I'd start.
Try going into your bios and turning down the low rpm warning for the cpu fan to like 300rpm. The fan on the 212 is much larger than a stock cpu cooler giving it a much lower rpm. Some motherboard's bios see this lower rpm and show a cpu fan error. Setting the lower threshold to something like 300rpm may clear it up. That's where I'd start.
CPUs heat up quickly without a cooler fan. CPU's turn on first in boot up then the fan turns on. In that short space of time (1 sec?) my cpu gets to about 35C. But 10 secs after the fan starts up the cpu temp is back to 30C. If the cpu has been running without the fan for say 30 secs it could get to 80C.

You should be able to set the fan speed switch on in uefi. See if you can make a difference that way.

Try a different fan on the cooler. Does the fan feel sticky? If it has no rpm that'd give an error. Is it plugged into the cpu fan header properly?
Thanks for all the fast answers everyone. Turning down the low rpm warning seems to have worked, as the meter was in the red before. I'm guessing that the board interpreting the fan as spinning to low would be the cause for the BIOS freeze, unless anyone has some thoughts on that? it hasn't frozen since