[SOLVED] cpu fan error


Oct 5, 2020
hey everybody, just installed coolmaster ma620m on my pc and now on the boot screen I get
"cpu fan error
press f1 to setup"
now, I Q-fan managed to find and control the cooler (I have full control over it from the bios)
but is still write "cpu fan error!"
also, rgb works and syncs with everything else

it only agrees to boot if I disable "cpu fan speed" monitoring in the bios and I don't know how will my computer react
Ok. But plug one of the 3 chassis fans in the cpu header anyway.
You want to know if the problem is with the cpu cooler's fan cable or the mobo header, right?
all three chassis Fan's connected to a controller
but the problem was that I plugged it into the AIO pump (three identical ports in a line and the text is on the left)
I just looked at it again and (knowing what I know now) it's simple it said "cpu_fan AIO-PUMP" and I took it as one instead of left is cpu fan, right is AIO pump