CPU fan running really loud.


Aug 23, 2016
I have a H440 case with the case fans that come with it. I also have a Cooler Master RR-212E-16PK-R1 Hyper 212 Evo CPU fan with an, and it's been running really loud for the past two days, I was asleep, and I usually keep my computer running(I listen to music while I sleep), and when I woke up my CPU fan was really loud. My usual temperature is around 35-40c and it's still around 35-40c so I don't think my PC is getting warmer thus making the fan have to work harder. Also, whenever I enter my BIOS, the CPU fan is running normal, and it's really quiet, but whenever I start up my PC and it goes to the windows login screen, it starts again. I've read some articles that tell me to reapply thermal paste, however me being really bad at building computers, I don't want to mess anything up, and since my temperature is not going up I'm not really sure if I should.
PC Specs:
Intel i7 4790K,
600w psu,
MSI Z97S Sli Krait Edition Motherboard.

Best regards Greg.

I've tried to do everything. but it carries on running loud.

Oh right. So you've tried to put it on silent, made it lower RPM etc. and it still runs at full/high RPM.

Have you tried the software called SpeedFan? That can allow you to control your fans manually while on your system, rather than having to go on BIOS.

I've just downloaded speedfan but Mircosoft smartscreen detected it as a malicious software


Idk, but I just downloaded it, and it says my CPU temperature is 127 degrees Celsius and I downloaded it off their website.

Well that's definitely incorrect, maybe you have an issue with one of your temperature sensors, which is why it is running really loud? Have you tried CPU-Z or Intel Extreme Tuning Utility, they will tell you the correct temperature and things, and I believe, that the Intel software MAY allow you to control fan speed, I don't think it does though.

Yeah I just downloaded the CPUID HWMonitor, and at this moment my fans are really quiet, because I set them all to default, however they're spiking up to 19640 Rpm than going down. But it did make my CPU fan quiet.

Hopefully it keeps it quiet and fixes your issue. It is a different one, but I'm glad I could help a bit.

Let me know if it goes back to how it was.

Thank you for the help man, appreciate it. :)

No Worries,

Glad I could help!

Have a great day!

- Dom.