I just had bought a used PC someone, he said it's one month old and didn't want it anymore, when I set it on my desk I noticed the the fan that was supposed to be over the CPU was hanging off so I reattached it, I ran csgo and was happy with results but I noticed the fan got louder when I either opened something or launched a game I downloaded a program to see the heat and I was worried so I googled and checked the normal hest for idol and In game, my idol hest is 40-58 C and in game it's 100 and yeah I turned off the PC and rebooted it after awhile, I noticed that basically instantly when I opened csgo the fan went crazy and I checked CPU and it's at 100 C. Bums me out but yeah. Is it the CPU it's self? Or what. In total it has 3 fans including the one over the CPU and they all sound fine. Any help would be appreciated or tips.
Btw the cpu is a Core i3 6100
Btw the cpu is a Core i3 6100