I wouldn't pretend to know for sure, but I'm happy to believe that if NVIDIA and AMD are using hardware ROPs instead of software shaders, it must give better performance.
Somebody here makes the fair argument that ROPs just need to do run a couple of simple arithmetic operations while shaders have plenty else to be getting on with.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm thinking - it's a sufficiently well-defined operation that even if it doesn't offload
much from the shaders, it's an easy enough win that why not? Plus, when you factor in edge AA, maybe they're not quite as trivial as described there.
One thing about that link is it's 15 years old. GPUs from 2009 were a lot simpler, narrower, and slower than modern GPUs. Today's have about 100x the compute power and like 15x the memory bandwidth.
Personally, if somebody asks a basic question I tend to start with a basic answer.
Basic is fine, but it shouldn't be wrong. If you say it's just about subdividing triangles, then the very next question is: why would you do that, instead of just rendering bigger triangles? Now you have to explain that you lied and they weren't really triangles, after all. Don't simplify to the point where your answer is a lie. Not everyone will ask the follow-up question and instead might just walk around, holding the wrong idea in their head.
I don't consider it misleading any more than I'd consider saying "the number is stored at a memory address" misleading because what really happens is a load of high and low electrical voltages are applied to a specific arrangement of NAND gates.
I don't consider that equivalent, because I think we all understand that a number is an abstract concept, computers are electronic devices, and therefore electronic circuitry is used to have the effect that a numeric value can be stored and later retrieved (or overwritten) at the set of memory cells identified by that address. Depending on what someone is asking, you can give them a satisfactory and self-consistent answer, without getting into those implementation details.
Even AMD choose to use the term "Triangle Patch Mesh" (Slide 9) and NVIDIA "Input Triangles" (Slide 20).
Neither of them are talking about planar triangles. The AMD slide is talking about triangular patches. Nvidia is talking about point-normal triangles, which are a cubic bezier surface defied by a set of vertices and normal vectors. As these are slides, they encourage abbreviation or short-hand.
Furthermore, they're being presented to a technical audience who understands tessellation is mainly about patch rendering, so they can afford a certain economy of language. That's fundamentally different than how you would break it down for a neophyte.