[SOLVED] CPU Low Load hitting 80-90C

Oct 3, 2020
Build Specs:

Intel i7 6700k

NZXT Kraken M22 120mm AIO

ASUS Z170-A Motherboard

Crucial Ballistix 4x4 16GB DDR4-2400mhz Ram

Nvidia Geforce GTX 980ti

6x120mm Case Fans

Corsair 1200W Platinum Certified 80+ PSU (Yes overkill on the PSU, had 2x980ti's at the time of the build 4 years ago.)

NZXT H440 Case

First when I boot the computer and go into the Bios, CPU will run around 50-70c with AIO Pump at full speed. After I boot the computer and restart, I will get CPU overtemp and computer won't run until it's fully cooled.

Things I've looked into so far:

I checked the NZXT M22 AIO (pump is located in the radiator itself for this model), I began to notice a metallic rattling sound and after lots of troubleshooting with NZXT and on my own --shaking the pump, relocating the pump so that it's at the bottom of the loop, try to shift air bubbles, check the push and pull of the fans to be sure of proper intake, feel the tubes and yes one is definitely colder than the other hotter tube so I believe that the pump is working properly and the bubbles are just an audible (not-concerning) issue with AIO. -- So I don't think the AIO is the issue.

I have reseated the AIO head on the CPU and re-applied thermal paste, and believe that the head is seated properly.

Tweaked bios settings and checked Tom's hardware for some solutions to reduce heat and load of CPU and I ended up disabling Hyperthreading in the bios.

Ran AIDA64 and CPU consistently thermal throttles nearly 100c sometimes over, Prime95 had no issues or crashes.

Thermal Throttling is my main issue, and I mean the computer runs... but not well at all and I frequently have issues when launching games and apps and the computer will stutter and sometimes freeze but always recover, but while it does this, the computer is essentially useless until that application fully launches or loads. I'd also like to preface that I am not the most tech savvy, I mean I research things and try to find answers to my problems, but I am not at all super knowledgeable and understanding of what all is happening.

I am also in the market for a new pc (once I can get my f***in hands on a 3080) but until then I don't want to give up on this computer, and potentially still use it after I build a new one.
Nope... Now that you've mentioned that, I'd assume that if the pump was working properly than it would be getting hotter and properly dissipating the hot air from the cpu.

So it must be that the hot air has nowhere to go and its keeping the cpu hot.

Your Pump is dying , simple as that. A wore out or defective pump has back flow of water & its not pushing water, Hence the Hot Tube remain hot, the water isnt going into the radiator, the tube going back into CPU is of course much Colder as there wasn't any or much warm water going in.
Setting a non-functioning pump to max speed isn't gonna help. Even with xxxxxx or no thermal paste your CPU won't be 70c on boot so that wasn't the issue. You're basically...
Nope... Now that you've mentioned that, I'd assume that if the pump was working properly than it would be getting hotter and properly dissipating the hot air from the cpu.

So it must be that the hot air has nowhere to go and its keeping the cpu hot.

Your Pump is dying , simple as that. A wore out or defective pump has back flow of water & its not pushing water, Hence the Hot Tube remain hot, the water isnt going into the radiator, the tube going back into CPU is of course much Colder as there wasn't any or much warm water going in.
Setting a non-functioning pump to max speed isn't gonna help. Even with xxxxxx or no thermal paste your CPU won't be 70c on boot so that wasn't the issue. You're basically cooling your CPU with just the Pump block and the little bit of water in it and the tube.
The vibrating of the Tube as i said, its the back flow, a working pump should give constant pressure to push water out, but in your case the pump push the water, but maybe a few impeller etc are broke, so water is push back into pump, giving you the illusion water is being push around, in fact it's not.


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