CPU Mobo Combo for R9 290


Oct 25, 2014
I'm in the process of building my first gaming computer and just purchased an R9 290. My plan is turning an old HP into a gaming computer piece by piece and when i get to the last piece, reassemble the HP. I originally thought I'd go with the AMD 8350 black edition, but after some extensive research have been getting the idea i may be getting some bottlenecking on some games. So I think probably the best choice is going to be in the Intel department. I'm starting from scratch and since i already forked out the money for a R9 290, I don't see the point in not getting a fully capable CPU/mobo combo. If I said my budget was in the $400 range for the combo, obviously less would be better, but I want to use the GPU I paid a pretty penny for to it's maximum potential. I don't plan on overclocking at this time. I see a lot about i5 4670s and i5 4690 and the K variants, and even i5 47xxk series I've been looking at. At what point do I need not worry about bottlenecking or getting fps drops? If I have to spend $50 more on a 4690k to a 4670, it's worth it. But I'm not real educated on the differences between all the i5s. I don't want to go blatantly overkill, but I don't want to wish I had spent a little more to get the most out of what I'm building because I'm essentially building from scratch. Do I need to go up to the i7 area? And if so which one? The general consensus I'm getting is that i7 is overkill. What are the experts thoughts on this? Thanks in advance for your answers!
Any hashwell i5 is gonna be good for games (4xxx-series). I would go for the i5-4670K + the MSI G45 Z87, maybe the i5-4690 + a H97 motherboard.
running the i5-4670K (currently stock) with my R9 290, i have no bottlenecking at all, not even in CPU intensive games (maybe in Minecraft.... heh...).
You won't need a i7 for gaming, an i7 + a cheaper mobo will cost you $400 if not more.

Also make sure you have room and the right mounts for a ATX motherboard or a m-ATX motherboard. And defently for that GPU, you should have a quality 550w psu or another one with 600-650w.

Hope this helped! :)
Any hashwell i5 is gonna be good for games (4xxx-series). I would go for the i5-4670K + the MSI G45 Z87, maybe the i5-4690 + a H97 motherboard.
running the i5-4670K (currently stock) with my R9 290, i have no bottlenecking at all, not even in CPU intensive games (maybe in Minecraft.... heh...).
You won't need a i7 for gaming, an i7 + a cheaper mobo will cost you $400 if not more.

Also make sure you have room and the right mounts for a ATX motherboard or a m-ATX motherboard. And defently for that GPU, you should have a quality 550w psu or another one with 600-650w.

Hope this helped! :)

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