Cpu not running as efficiently as other peoples!

Dec 10, 2018
My computer has been runninig quite sluggish recently. i just got a new GTX 970 SC, and i love it, but now my low frames are cause by my CPU, which was a i5-4430 that was running 16 bg and felt sluggish. I switched it out for a I3-6100 with one 8gb single channel stick. I Watch other people play with the same hardware but they can easily run any game they test, but when i load it up i get 40-60 and it lags. I was thinking since i have upgraded everything due to the sluggish performance, could it be my PSU? That iis the only thing in my system that i have yet to change. Its a pretty cheap PSU so i wouldnt be suprised, but i just need to get my pc back to optimal performance

Im running a B150M Bazooka gaming motherboard.

Thanks in advance.
Well, you went from a quad core to a dual core with hyperthreading. Hyperthreading isn't as effective as 4 cores. Not to mention if you have installed Windows and BIOS updates for Spectre and Meltdown, should have a bigger impact on HT capable chips vs. normal ones.

Trading newer architecture for cores doesn't always work. If you want to see similar results as before, you should probably invest in an i5 or i7.

I did not install new OS, do you think it will be impactful to do so?

Ive been working with computers for awhile, i understood the risk of downgrading to a dual core w/ hyperthreading.
But my problem is that i watch other people use the cpu and their games run at 10x the quality mine does. This cpu is pretty much brand new with the mobo. I did this so that i could upgrade to an i5 in a couple of months.


Your OS is still "confused" about what hardware you really have. The registry has all the old hardware and the new hardware listed. Any time a motherboard swap is done, a clean OS install is the only sure way to not fight "ghosts" of the previous build.

Im reinstalling windows from a usb that i have rn. ill keep you updated when i finish.


I have reinstalled windows but it didn't seem to help much...