Question CPU Over Voltage Error after installing a third hard drive and switching around power cables


Oct 29, 2021
I recently installed a third hard drive. In order to get the new hard drive in its place, I had to get my ram out and I also had to unplug the power cables to all my other hard drives because they were in the way. When the new hard drive was in place, I put the ram back in its slots and connected all the power and SATA cables to the hard drives.

When I then tried booting my PC, it says "CPU Over Voltage Error". Does anyone know what could be causing this?

Motherboard: ASUS P7H55 M-LX
PSU: Corsair TX 650W
CPU: Intel Core i5-750
Have you checked the core voltage being read in the BIOS? If it is super unrealistic, a sensor has probably broken and can be ignored. But if it is like 1.5-2 volts that would be quite concerning. (1.4 is about as high as anything that recent should go, and that would be when overclocked)
Have you checked the core voltage being read in the BIOS? If it is super unrealistic, a sensor has probably broken and can be ignored. But if it is like 1.5-2 volts that would be quite concerning. (1.4 is about as high as anything that recent should go, and that would be when overclocked)
In BIOS the core voltage spikes up and down between 0.8 and 1.2. After that it just stays on 0.8 until the CPU overheats. The CPU was running at around 70°C and increasing until the computer shut down at 84°C. If I do start my PC again not long after it shut down because of the CPU overheating, that's when I get the actual error. Basically I get the error when the CPU's still hot.
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