CPU overheating after bios reset


Jul 24, 2017
Hello everyone,

I bought a new CPU a Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz

i wanted to overlock it to 3ghz it worked but after 2 restart my pc didn't turned on so i reseted my bios and after that it worked again but my CPU is overheating always and my fan is always at max speed (4000RPM) i tried with the old CPU (2core 3ghz) same thing happend so i updated my bios and still on max and overheating
i also disconected everthing from my motherboard (it was only a CPU and 2gb ram) same.

i have a 400W PSU
asrock p45ts motherboard

pleas someone help and sorry for my english
When you switched CPUs did you remove and replace the old thermal paste ? You need to do this or the heat won't transfer from the CPU to the heatsink and everything overheats. If you are not sure then look on youtube for video on installing heat sink / fans.

Yes i did everything correctly it started overheating after the bios reset.

When i chek it out on the bios it's 50c and if i boot to windows 8.1 (in windows using coretemp) and all the cores are 90-98c

And that happen instanly so when i turn on my PC the fun starts on max speed and the cpu is ovearheating. and i used the PC for like 2 hours after the ovelocking and only after the bios reset started this and aslo with the old cpu but i had this pc for a long time ago adn this never happend.


That's good news. If the BIOS is 50C then the CPU is likely not fried and leaking current.

Maybe download HWMONITOR from CPUID and cross check both the temps and the CPU frequency. Since you've reset the BIOS you should max at 2.4 ghz - make sure this is true.

Don't run long at 98C, the Q6600 is thermal throttling and this is not long term safe. I'd run this way for 5 mins, but not for an hour.

When this started i don't wanted to run the pc so i turned off when i checkd everything, and yeah it's at 2.4ghz