Question CPU Overheating Issue - Need Help!

Sep 3, 2024
Hi everyone,

I recently built a new computer and am encountering an issue with my CPU overheating immediately upon running a benchmark on occt.

I am able to play most games perfectly fine like the new BO6 beta and RDR2, however yesterday when I attempted to play fortnie with my friends, I noticed my cpu temps were above 90° and then tried an occt test to discover this. The idle temp is around 35° - 40°.
Here’s a link to my full parts list for reference: PCPartPicker List

Does anyone have any suggestions on what might be causing the issue or how I can resolve it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your help!
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I recently built a new computer and am encountering an issue with my CPU overheating immediately upon running a benchmark on occt.
That result is a given, considering the cpu, cooler, a hard benchmark, and how aggressive the motherboard settings may or may not be.
This was going to go over poorly, no matter what.

Update to latest bios as suggested by rgd1101.

I am able to play most games perfectly fine like the new BO6 beta and RDR2, however yesterday when I attempted to play fortnie with my friends, I noticed my cpu temps were above 90°
How much power is the cpu using between these games? [It shouldn't be the same.]
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