[SOLVED] CPU performance on Windows 10

Nov 10, 2020
I recently bought an Acer Aspire 7 with i5 9300H and Gtx 1650. I noticed that my CPU always runs on turbo for normal usage when plugged in. In the sample video, u will see that initially its plugged in it runs at 4 GHz, and on unplugging the cpu clocks down causing the screen to flicker. It still plays the video just fine then y does it run on turbo? Is there any setting to make it do so?
U can notice the flicker just before the beep on unplugging the adaptor. Any help is appreciated.
check the windows power management
set it to balanced while the charger is plugged in

Did you install the Turbo boost driver and others from the Acer support homepage?
Eventually update your BIOS as well.