K kierand95032013 Prominent Sep 14, 2017 1 0 510 Sep 14, 2017 #1 I have an amd 7850k which i overclocked by 400mhz and when i tested it gta v ran at 0 frames even after i went back is there things i should look for to help solve this problem? 400mhz couldn't break a computer could it?
I have an amd 7850k which i overclocked by 400mhz and when i tested it gta v ran at 0 frames even after i went back is there things i should look for to help solve this problem? 400mhz couldn't break a computer could it?
CountMike Titan Oct 31, 2015 35,164 3,659 147,990 Sep 15, 2017 #2 400MHz is practically nothing for that processor. Upvote 0 Downvote