CPU safe low temp?


Nov 3, 2014
I got water cooling this summer (hella hot spring), as my CPU (AMD FX-6100) was over heating and crashing. I noticed in core temps, i got 0*C, one cooler night. I have an Antec Kuhler H2O 650 for the cooling.

I was wondering, because it will be a lot colder in winter (0-5*C), could my CPU possibly "freeze"? Because the CPU will deffently go below 0C, so could it go so low, that it freezes or something?

Is there a safe lowest temp?
I suspect you are getting false readings. They may be below the minimum the sensor will detect.

There are minimum and maximum temperatures for all the electronic components in your machine. While over heating will cause internal damage, low temperatures will cause physical stresses on the components. The danger lies in a wide operating temperature range. As things heat up the physical materials expand and as they cool down they shrink. This physically stresses the mechanical parts of the machine. If you look up all the part's technical data sheets you'll find a range for each part that applies to the guaranteed operating conditions for that part. Operating below the minimum or above the maximum will void the warranty. That applies to disk drives, motherboards, chipsets, processors - everything.

On the low end, it's not the temperature itself that is dangerous but the amount of temperature change. If you leave it running all the time that will be less of a problem because it won't be heating up and cooling down so much.

Computers are built to operate in a controlled environment. There are some "ruggedized" machines that have a wider operating range but I'm guessing you don't have one.
Oh ok, well does anyone have a program which might be more accurate? Instead of Core Temp

I watched the idle tempe in Core Temp (if its accurate) and your right, not even below 10, sat around 15