I have an 11900k paired with an Asus z590 Maximus extreme and i've been trying to overclock my CPU a bit, just for fun....the SP rating of my CPU is 49, which is bad...but i could get it to 5ghz all core and 0 AVX offset to be stable at 1.4 V, which is a bit high probably. Temps at full load reach 85-86. I only use the PC for gaming, no productivity, so i will never push the CPU that far in real world use. My question is, what is the difference between having a PC stable when stress testing and having it stable when i use it in games? Because i can drop the voltage to 1.33 and it doesn't crash in games. I know people tend to say you don't have a stable overclock unless it runs 24 hours on a stress test without crashing, but i repeat, i will likely never push my CPU that far the way i use it.