CPU temp higher after 2 cpu changes.


Jan 5, 2016
So when I first got my Kraken x62 at the end of April this year, the temps on my 4690k were very nice, I think if I can remember correctly the temps under load on stock settings with IBT on maximum were something like 50c, and idle temps were damn good, with nothing open I believe thhey were somewhere around 22-26c.

However, I was given an i3 4170 for free, from a friends PC that I helped to build and then upgrade, so I got the i3 as a thank you thing, so I put it in my system for the hell of it, and keep it there for a few months, although when I first put in thhe i3 I noticed that the idle temps were actually higher than the i5s idle temps which didnt really make much sense.

Now, today I changed back to my i5, and my idle temps are 35-37. I believe its the same as that with nothing open as well, I've re-seated the CPU cooler waterblock 2 times now, made sure it was tight. The only difference from before is the thermal paste, and I cant see that making a 10c difference. Although, when basically nothing using the CPU is open and im on about 2-3% utilisation, the temps are 32c+ which is still higher than before. Using some cooler master paste btw that came with a hyper 103 cooler.
Are you in a room that is under 20? You can not get temperatures lower than the room your computer is in(more accurately you can not get lower than the intake to the radiator. this may be case air depending on your setup).

It would be worth checking load temperatures since ondie temperature sensors are not always accurate at lower temperatures.

With low usage(just some music and this webpage open 2-4 % cpu peaks) Under and H80i(may not be as good as your cooler, but gives an idea) I get in the mid 30s on my 2600k system(idle). The room is about 25c. My board reports different than the on die sensors(lower).

You may also want to check your fan profiles.

Somehow I didn't think about the room temps, it has been quite a bit hotter here lately, although doesnt feel as hot today but still...yeah before my stressted temps on stock settings were I thihnk maybe 50c? Now they are 60c whihch is aboout 12c off the TCASE or whatever.

Ive had the fans on performance, and they were on silent mode before.
And funnily enough, changing the speed of the pump and fans to a higher speed doesnt actually make a huge difference at all to my temps.
Could be a combination of the paste(I found the coolermaster stuff with the 212+ got thick and harder to use after a while in the tube. I still use it for transistors and stuff) and the warmer temperatures.

Liquid coolers are not always the best either. listen to make sure it sounds fine sometimes you may get some air stuck in a place you do not want it. I know my old LQ310 made a racket sometimes, but performed as expected(had to rotate the coldplate to quiet it down).

I was originally gonna use some akasa thermal paste that became thick, and I think the coolermaster one did as well so yeah that could be half the cause I guess. Now then you mention the noises and about the air, when I first got it and installed it, it was making like watery/bubbly noises, then it went away and was fine, if I force the pump to run at full speed, I can hear those noises slightly as well, do you think I should leave the pump on full speed for a while and see if it clears away air bubbles or whatever?

Some people are also saying that the tubes should be coming from the bottom of the radiator, mines mounted like a lot of other peoples are with the tubes coming out of the top,m people are saying they should be coming from the bottom, others are saying it doesnt matter. Does it? Should I try tipping the computer sligthyl to move around air?