So when I first got my Kraken x62 at the end of April this year, the temps on my 4690k were very nice, I think if I can remember correctly the temps under load on stock settings with IBT on maximum were something like 50c, and idle temps were damn good, with nothing open I believe thhey were somewhere around 22-26c.
However, I was given an i3 4170 for free, from a friends PC that I helped to build and then upgrade, so I got the i3 as a thank you thing, so I put it in my system for the hell of it, and keep it there for a few months, although when I first put in thhe i3 I noticed that the idle temps were actually higher than the i5s idle temps which didnt really make much sense.
Now, today I changed back to my i5, and my idle temps are 35-37. I believe its the same as that with nothing open as well, I've re-seated the CPU cooler waterblock 2 times now, made sure it was tight. The only difference from before is the thermal paste, and I cant see that making a 10c difference. Although, when basically nothing using the CPU is open and im on about 2-3% utilisation, the temps are 32c+ which is still higher than before. Using some cooler master paste btw that came with a hyper 103 cooler.
However, I was given an i3 4170 for free, from a friends PC that I helped to build and then upgrade, so I got the i3 as a thank you thing, so I put it in my system for the hell of it, and keep it there for a few months, although when I first put in thhe i3 I noticed that the idle temps were actually higher than the i5s idle temps which didnt really make much sense.
Now, today I changed back to my i5, and my idle temps are 35-37. I believe its the same as that with nothing open as well, I've re-seated the CPU cooler waterblock 2 times now, made sure it was tight. The only difference from before is the thermal paste, and I cant see that making a 10c difference. Although, when basically nothing using the CPU is open and im on about 2-3% utilisation, the temps are 32c+ which is still higher than before. Using some cooler master paste btw that came with a hyper 103 cooler.