Question CPU temperature jumps up and down between 30° to 65°. Stops after restart. Fix?

Sep 14, 2024

I am running NZXT Cam and Win11.

Every time I do a startup of the PC my FAN CPU keeps spinning up and down between 30° and around 65°(Celsius) and the only way to make idle around a steady 30° is doing a restart of the computer every single time. If I shut it down and late it stay off for like 6 hours I have they same issue once I turn it back on.

Things that I have tried out:
- Update all software.
- Contact NZXT - got an answer but it didn't fix the issue.
- Adjusted the fan profiles - no luck.
- Done a lot of google searching - no luck.
- And now I ask you guys out there?

Any idea why I have to do a second restart to stop the CPU Fan (NZXT Cam) from spinning up and down?

(Just restarted a second time before writing this post and making coffee - CPU idles nicely between 30-32° GPU at 45°. Fans all quite and steady).
my FAN CPU keeps spinning up and down between 30° and around 65°(Celsius)
if your system is showing 65° then that is why the fans are ramping up.
your fans don't reach that temperature, your system does.

what are you using to monitor temperatures?
try another source like HWinfo, CoreTemp, etc.

you need to keep an eye on Task manager and see what is running when the temperatures spike into the 60s.