So, for the past month I've been having this problem where the CPU will downclock during gaming. The intervals vary between every 10 to 45 minutes. On average it happens every 25 minutes or so. The CPU will be running at 3.8GHz as usual then downclock to 2.6GHz for a couple of seconds, then come back up. This happens even when the cores are at 40ºC.
After some googling, the ideas I have are, VRM temperature and some kind of PSU problem. My PSU is 10 years old [Corsair VX550], my PC itself is about 5 years old. Unfortunately, my mobo does not have VRM sensors, so I haven't been able to specify whether VRM temps are the issue. Also, could it be the PSU? It's really old, but from what I've read, PSUs that can't meet power demands would cause severe system instability. My PC doesn't crash or hang or anything. It simply downclocks the CPU during gaming. Other than that, the thing is tip-top.
So, is there anything I can do to isolate and identify what the problem is? I always keep the mobo pretty clean, which makes me kind of skeptical about the VRM idea. The thing is that it's the only culprit of CPU throttling I could find that was unrelated to CPU temperature.
The specs:
CPU: A10-7860K
GPU: 750Ti
PSU: Corsair VX550
Mobo: A58M-A/BR
After some googling, the ideas I have are, VRM temperature and some kind of PSU problem. My PSU is 10 years old [Corsair VX550], my PC itself is about 5 years old. Unfortunately, my mobo does not have VRM sensors, so I haven't been able to specify whether VRM temps are the issue. Also, could it be the PSU? It's really old, but from what I've read, PSUs that can't meet power demands would cause severe system instability. My PC doesn't crash or hang or anything. It simply downclocks the CPU during gaming. Other than that, the thing is tip-top.
So, is there anything I can do to isolate and identify what the problem is? I always keep the mobo pretty clean, which makes me kind of skeptical about the VRM idea. The thing is that it's the only culprit of CPU throttling I could find that was unrelated to CPU temperature.
The specs:
CPU: A10-7860K
GPU: 750Ti
PSU: Corsair VX550
Mobo: A58M-A/BR