CPU Throttling while using new VGA card


Apr 17, 2016
Hi guys can you help me please, my processor reads up to 100% while playing games like PES 2016 and fifa 15, and the games stutter , my system is:
CPU: core 2 quad q6600 2.4 GHZ
MB: Gigabyte G41MT-S2PT
Ram: 8 GB DDR3

please if it is a throttling problem guide me to eliminate it
The CPU is getting on a bit but you'll need to swap the entire CPU/MB/RAM to upgrade, there's nothing faster that will fit the existing motherboard available.
I'd try changing the thermal paste first, the games you're playing are not THAT demanding of the CPU.
There's plenty of videos on YouTube on how to remove/replace the cooler, have a look over there, note ALL the stock coolers use the same retention 'pushpin' design. If the cooler has been on for a while it's easiest to twist it off rather than trying to pull it up and out.
Removing the old stuff is usually fairly easy, a kitchen paper towel moistened with either rubbing alcohol or industrial Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) will usually shift it. Most will suggest removing the CPU from its...

it gave me 3 temps 98 96 87 and below just under 98 it says log and under the other two it says ok ok, some time it reads 100 and 102 degrees too

I've never changed the paste, from about a year and a half, I don't know what do you mean by STOCK COOLER, is it an extra fan??? I have only the mount on fan for the CPU and an extra fan in the case (Thermaltake)
Check you have the latest version of Realtemp: http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/2089/real-temp-3-70
The stock cooler looks like this: https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=intel+q6600+stock+cooler&view=detailv2&&id=96F544DED9904AA1B4130330439FF40435E585CE&selectedIndex=11&ccid=6iLn950O&simid=607992105350006863&thid=OIP.Mea22e7f79d0eec7c7c8c547de7588891o0&ajaxhist=0
These coolers are known to lose their hold down force over time and the locking teeth also wear and work loose, with the system powered down and the power cord removed, check all four corners are fully down and locked first.
If the cooler is down tight then you should replace the thermal paste and reattach the cooler then retest to see if the overheating is solved.

Propably you mean something like this stock cooler which is the heatsink that comes with any intel cpu.

So my advise is to remove the cooler,clean the cpu from old thermal paste,apply new one(carefull to apply only a small amount on the center of the cpu and spreaded with an old credit card on the cpu surface),clean the heatsink and the fan of the cooler to remove any dust and then mount it on the cpu.This will propably lower your temps.Also you can open your case side to allow more fresh air to cool down your system.

Thanks for ur advice, I've checked the locking teeth and they are all locked well, to change the paste will take some time from me, plus I haven't done it before...


thanks a lot for ur help I'll try either of ur solutions, but is my problem only the high temp. and not that my processor is old for the kind of games that I"m playing????
The CPU is getting on a bit but you'll need to swap the entire CPU/MB/RAM to upgrade, there's nothing faster that will fit the existing motherboard available.
I'd try changing the thermal paste first, the games you're playing are not THAT demanding of the CPU.
There's plenty of videos on YouTube on how to remove/replace the cooler, have a look over there, note ALL the stock coolers use the same retention 'pushpin' design. If the cooler has been on for a while it's easiest to twist it off rather than trying to pull it up and out.
Removing the old stuff is usually fairly easy, a kitchen paper towel moistened with either rubbing alcohol or industrial Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) will usually shift it. Most will suggest removing the CPU from its socket to clean it, there's no real need, just wipe the old stuff inwards.
In the meantime, try not to load the CPU until you can change the thermal paste, you risk destroying it.


Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation, I'll try what you've said, and I do have a plan to replace my motherboard and cpu soon but waiting for the money....as I've just replaced my monitor and VGA card...thanks again for ur help....