CPU to speed up Winrar compression time

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Hi, i constantly need to compress big files with Winrar. but my PC does it too slow for me.
It's an i3-2120 - 16Gb ram i forgot the brand - a couple of WD 6 TB Red Drive (WD60EFRX-68L0BN1)

My main problem is compression. Even set on normal it's too slow. Some say online that a faster CPU won't speed it up cos the HDD is the bottleneck but then i found these guys reaching 22k benchmark. http://www.pakgamers.com/forums/f66/%5Bcpu%5D-benchmark-winrar-run-27257/
My best benchmark is 3.5k...

So it made me wonder, upgrading CPU/MOBO can get me near that or not?


I ended up buying a used i7-3770K from ebay for €186, the non K model is hard to find used and new it costs more than what i paid for the K model. Since i got the K model i also bought a cheap Asrock Z77 Pro3 (€67) And since i got that i went ahead and bought a new hyper 212 EVO (€36)
For a total of €289 i got the i7-3770 + Z77MOBO + Hyper 212 EVO

Exactly Half of the €560 it cost me a i7-6700K + Z170 MOBO

I think i'll be happy enough with it. It might not be a skylake but it's certainly and improvement over my actual i3+H61 mobo.
Compression is a pretty straightforward CPU-bound task. In fact it's one of the few tasks which shows substantial gains from hyperthreading (thus making a desktop i7 "worth it" over an i5). Desktop processors in a nutshell:

i3 = dual core, 3MB cache, hyperthreading
i5 = quad core, 3MB cache, NO hyperthreading
i7 = quad core, 4MB cache, hyperthreading

Both the larger cache and hyperthreading help compression, so if you are really spending so much time compressing files for this to be a primary criteria for a new system, you should opt for the i7 (assuming the compression software is multi-threaded - pretty sure WinRAR is).

Compression can be limited by HDD speed if you're compressing a lot of small files. The HDD has to locate and read each of those individual files. If they're small, that'll drop the hard drive's read speed down to about 1 MB/s. If those are the types of files you're usually compressing, you really should get a SSD. SSDs can typically read those files at about 30 MB/s individually, 200-300 MB/s if it can queue multiple such reads.

Hi, it's me who posted the thread but wouldn't let me reply with the disabled account.
So i'm happy an i7 could help me speed up the process i do the most. I need this for big single files not many small ones.
I have an SSD but it's 128GB and i use it for windows and software.
I have many TB of archives i can't buy an SSD so big (if it even exists).

Could you recommend me an i7+decent mobo to this job please?
You should be able to get a good boost in speed with just a processor upgrade for your motherboard if you don't have a big budget and don't want to re-install Windows and all your programs. i7-3770 will work for you as a plug and play CPU, but make sure you check your motherboard compatibility list.

Hi, yes my motherboard supports it.
I also play a bit of DayZ Mod (it's an Arma 2 mod), maybe i'll even get a few more FPS on it as well.
I can get it for €259 on ebay http://www.ebay.it/itm/Intel-Core-i7-3770K-3-5-GHz-Skt-1155-22-nm-77-W-BX80637I73770K-/252385253058?hash=item3ac35556c2:g:5asAAOSwBs1XMhyu

I think i'll do this...
Cos if not i gotta get the latest gen i7 new motherboard and maybe it will be DDR4 which means throwing away 16GB of DDR3, i wouldn't like that. Maybe in a couple of years. I'm only a casual gamer, i spend more time compressing stuff :)

I ended up buying a used i7-3770K from ebay for €186, the non K model is hard to find used and new it costs more than what i paid for the K model. Since i got the K model i also bought a cheap Asrock Z77 Pro3 (€67) And since i got that i went ahead and bought a new hyper 212 EVO (€36)
For a total of €289 i got the i7-3770 + Z77MOBO + Hyper 212 EVO

Exactly Half of the €560 it cost me a i7-6700K + Z170 MOBO

I think i'll be happy enough with it. It might not be a skylake but it's certainly and improvement over my actual i3+H61 mobo.