Question CPU usage drops that cause FPS issue

Oct 6, 2023
Hello everyone,
I've faced with the issue when I'm observing huge fps drops in some games. This issue is not persistent for all games, for now I have such issue in Dead Space remake, Cyberpunk 2077 and Hogwarts Legacy while Starfield, Atomic Heart running without such issue. What I noticed so far that when fps drops it's happening I'm observing decrease of CPU usage (from 50% to 20% for example). I can reproduce such issue in some game(like cyberpunk 2077), you can find video below.
So far I've tried different things but without any result(disabling gaming mode, updating drivers and BIOS, disabling & enabling nvidia cache for shaders).
For me it's looks like that problem with CPU, because I tried to use my wife's gpu(RTX 2080) and it's the same issue whet it's working with my CPU. Temperature for GPU and CPU are normal during the game(and as said earlier, for some games I don't experience such issue)

My config:
Ryzen 7 5800x
GPU: RTX 3080 10 gb

Thank you in advance for your help :)
My guess is there's probably a bug with loading data at certain points in the game that causes performance to tank.

If it's an issue with only a handful of games, I doubt it's something wrong with the system. You can also run something like CineBench to make sure the CPU can at least handle a high load and CrystalDiskMark to make sure the storage drive the games are on passes a sniff test.