Okay, so here is the deal... When Im doing nothing, just surfing on the web and watching video's I get this amount of CPU usage with a high amount of GHz... Its set on 2,80GHz: http://gyazo.com/c8354837ab7b352522b1b5280223e228
When I am playing a game in fullscreen, the usage drops down to 1,95GHz. I can't provide a screenshot of this because when I alt+tab out of the game, the usage immediatly shoots up to 2.80GHz... When I'm playing the game in windowed borderless I get less FPS but the usage stays at a normal 2.80GHz.
I dont know if this has anything to do with the temperature of the CPU, but if that is the case, is it recommended to turn the option off so it doesn't do that anymore?
I feel like this is taking away alot of needed frames per second in some games...
My CPU is the Intel Core i7-4510u 2,00GHz(2,60 to 3,10GHz boost)
When I am playing a game in fullscreen, the usage drops down to 1,95GHz. I can't provide a screenshot of this because when I alt+tab out of the game, the usage immediatly shoots up to 2.80GHz... When I'm playing the game in windowed borderless I get less FPS but the usage stays at a normal 2.80GHz.
I dont know if this has anything to do with the temperature of the CPU, but if that is the case, is it recommended to turn the option off so it doesn't do that anymore?
I feel like this is taking away alot of needed frames per second in some games...
My CPU is the Intel Core i7-4510u 2,00GHz(2,60 to 3,10GHz boost)