CPu usage spiking

Jan 23, 2019
CPU - AMD fx 6300
GPU - Ge Force 1050ti
Motherboard - ASRock985GM-GS3 FX

My CPU has been spiking in usage when playing games, it goes from about 50%-60% to high 90s. This seems to happen when my FPS drops significantly, making games unplayable. the usage spikes for 1-2 seconds then drops back to normal again Temperature seems to be pretty normal, high 50s low 60s. can anyone help?
What games? That is likely to be expected with an fx 6300, it wont be capable of fully utilizing a 1050 ti in modern somewhat CPU heavy titles.

Do clocks speeds reach 4.1ghz and stay there under load? If it does not the motherboard VRM might be throttling the CPU. That motherboard has an extremely poor VRM.
Hmm my guess would be motherboard VRM throttling assuming that CPU temps are okay. You can try pointing a fan at the VRM and see if it stops of at least doesn't drop as far as 1400mhz. The VRM is located to the left of the CPU socket, you should see 3 square blocks surrounded by capacitors, point a fan there.