Question CPU water damage

Nov 13, 2021
Sorry for the reupload

A small amount of water got inside my CPU fan and onto my CPU. I turned the power off and when I opened up my case I could smell burning from my CPU and I'm pretty sure it was the only part affected by water. I left my PC to dry for 48 hours and when i came back my CPU had weird elecrtisity markings on it (shown below ) and I couldn't take my CPU off the motherboard (not sure if that's due to a fault or just my stupidity)

My parts are here: motherboard gigabyte A320M-S2M, CPU ryzen 2600, power supply corsair CV650, GPU MSI Radeon RX 570 ARMOR 8GB and I run windows 10.


I'm not very good with computers so I was wondering if anyone has a diagnostic on what is wrong, what can be done to fix it, or if I should just take it to an expert

any help is much appreciated
What was wrong with your previous thread?